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Archive for May, 2008

got DD's school photos back today..

May 28th, 2008 at 05:54 am

and they are really good!

Ill be laminating them so that they last.

hav to help my DD with an inquiry learning project

May 25th, 2008 at 01:31 am

Got a letter from DD's school asking me to help her with an inquiry learning project. we had a little over a week to complete it.

We started it this morning and its looking good, except for the big apple tree drawn in texta that DD drew coz she felt like I had to laugh, we have just stuck some computer printed pictures over the top.. at least it looks like her work.

went meat shopping

May 23rd, 2008 at 07:10 am

stocked up on meat today. Got some rissoles, hamsteaks, steak, kebabs, chicken breasts, chicken schnitzels, stir fry strips. so shud be right for meat for the month of June.

superannuation choice argh!!

May 22nd, 2008 at 11:37 am

I'm finding it hard to make a decision about which fund to go with now I'm working regularly and then I have to roll over some other funds into that fund of my choice. Think I've made a decision provided that they reinstate me with my old insurance cover which they say they will.. will find out i spose as I'm going to send the forms off tomorro. But will call them yet again and check everything again with them..

I'm starting an allowance for my 6 year old DD.

May 21st, 2008 at 11:51 am

I've decided to begin giving my DD who has just started Primary school (or Elementary school for all u Americans).

She has decided that she wants to start taking money to school, but she also wants a lunch order, and also to buy chocolates at the supermarket and toys at the cheap shops.. all this together is way too much so I've decided to give her 50c per year of her age per week, so $3 a week. But the allocation of this $3 per week will be as follows:
60% spending and/or short term savings goals
30% long term saving
10% charity of her choice

this works out to
$1.80 spending
90c long term savings
30c charity

Who else gives their children allowances, how old are your children and how much do you give them? And what are your expectations of their money?

bought a vest and long sleeve top today

May 21st, 2008 at 08:41 am

cost $15 for both. So pretty good.

DD is sick

May 21st, 2008 at 08:06 am

my daughter is sick atm, so have had to take time off work to look after her. Got a doctors certificate so i'll get paid sick/carers leave.

will get to that pantry inventory sometime.

May 20th, 2008 at 12:05 am

Can't be bothered with a proper pantry inventory, so will just go looking for appropriate food for dinner in my house.

I think i mite get out a frozen chicken and we'll have a roast for dinner.

pantry inventory

May 18th, 2008 at 09:31 pm

I mite do a pantry inventory today.. I will take everything out of the freezer and pantry and write down whats there. I will also write a menu plan and attempt to begin using whats in my house before buying too much more.

finally home from work and oh so tired..

May 18th, 2008 at 01:49 am

Finally home from work and boy am I tired.

I now don't work again til Wed Arvo so shud be able to get a bit of a rest today and tomorro, with the exception of doing some washing.

Then will prob try and do a bit of decluttering or tidying on Tues.

working most of the weekend..bugger

May 16th, 2008 at 03:15 am

working most of the weekend, this arvo thru to tomorro morning and then again tomorro arvo thru to Sunday morning.

Still feelin rather tired, tho I did have a bit of a rest this morning..after dropping off DD to school.

decluttering, a never ending battle..

May 15th, 2008 at 01:16 am

I'm still motivated to clean up, declutter and actually have a place for everything in my house..etc, but I seem to have lost my inspiration.. please help me find it!

I just want to declutter every spare minute I have at home, which I think makes me more anxious and a little unsettled about being home, and also stressed. How can I find the balance I need?

boy am i tired..

May 14th, 2008 at 09:47 pm

got the day off today, but am exhausted.

So just going to get my DD ready for school and have a shower and then come home and have breaky, then after its gone down a bit im going to go back to bed..

what's for tea at yr house?

May 13th, 2008 at 04:22 am

We're having chicken schnitzels (from butcher) and veg or salad.. whatever I can find in my fridge..

sister in law didn't visit

May 13th, 2008 at 03:19 am

My sister in law and new baby nephew didn't make it here this morning as he is sick.

But still had a visit from my mum, and my adult niece stayed over last night so she hitched a ride home with my mum as she is boarding there while going to University.

Finally now have the place to myself for a couple of hours, so am going to get a bit of a rest and do some knitting after ive done a few jobs on the computer.

day off, but not much of a break..

May 11th, 2008 at 09:18 pm


I dont have to work for the next two days, but im still very busy. I have a few jobs to do in town, and my dad is coming over to help me with my lawns now we got my mower fixed up.. it was on warranty, so cost me nothing.

Im also tidying my house and trying to make it safe for a toddler, a bigger job than i
Tonight my niece is coming over to stay the night and for dinner. we have to pick her up after she finishes Uni.

My bf is also coming over to stay the ngiht after tea as he is going to the gym first before coming over.

Tomorro i have my sister in law coming over to visit with her new baby (my nephew whom I haven't yet met), hence the reason for the toddler proofing..

busy day for me and hardly any time for a rest...bugger as i need it too, im really tired. well maybe tomorro

Happy Mothers Day

May 10th, 2008 at 11:35 am

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there..

I will be working all day, as I have worked all day today too.. but I will still be getting a present from my DD in the morning before work.. and we'll be giving my mum a present too.

have a great day mums

busy day

May 9th, 2008 at 08:57 am

Had a busy day today.

I had a staff meeting at work at 9.30am this morning, that went til 11.30. Then we went to the shops and i had to return some track pants i had bought my DD that were too small. Then my bf shouted me lunch at the shopping centre. Then I boguht myself two pairs of flannelette pjs which actually fit me, as opposed to the numerous pairs I have that are way too big.

Then went looking for some navy tights for my DD, which took 3 shops to find. Also bought my cat a new collar coz she lost hers and her Council and microchip tags somewhere ..

So got back home about 2.30 and then had to call my pay office from work, as they had mucked up my sick leave pay/credits from last fortnight.

Picked my DD up from school and took her to a local tennis centre session for $2.

We've had tea, bath/shower and now I'm pooped.

Have to work two 11 hour shifts tomorro and Sunday.. so I'll be knackered by Sunday night.

madly decluttering

May 8th, 2008 at 03:45 am

Ive been decluttering for the best part of the day. I have cleared a couple of boxes of 'stuff' and sorted out my wool. I have a suitcase full, 2 large plastic tubs full and a basket full, then I'm about to use a tub for all my current knitting/craft projects.

This will also tidy up the loungeroom a little.

I am getting tired as i didn't get a great deal of sleep.. mite be time for a rest soon after ive done the dishes and b4 i pick up my DD from school.

drooling over new cars atm

May 7th, 2008 at 08:36 pm

I'm looking at new cars atm, and as confused as ever over what to buy.. Have already taken them for test drives before, but wud definitely take them again before purchasing..and take a friend/family with me.

I want a 4 cyl small/medium car, thats between brand new to 2 years old, thats good on fuel and still has warranty left. thats safe and wont be too costly for repairs in the future.

Anyone know of any good cars that fit this description?

can't sleep

May 7th, 2008 at 08:29 pm

Can't sleep so I'm up early this morning (6.15am my time). I mite go and watch some TV and do some more knitting. Atm I'm knitting a house shoe for an adult, trying a pair for myself, and Ive finished one shoe for a baby.

one less box of junk..yay!

May 7th, 2008 at 08:50 am

Sorted thru one box of mostly papers, which went in the recycle bin. Found some of DD's textas and now shes happily drawing a huge picture on butchers paper..

what are you having for dinner?

May 7th, 2008 at 06:40 am

We're having homemade lasagne. Im adding some lentils and frozen mixed veg to the lasagne to bulk it out. Im also going to use a bit of the mince and make a shepherds pie out of it... theres dinner for the next couple of nights..yummo!

its payday.

May 7th, 2008 at 04:25 am

It's payday, so I will be able to write my budget tonight, its the same nearly every payday, but i like to have it all written out clearly so I know how much money I have for each category.

I paid my rent today already, so thats one less job to do this fortnight.

I'll be focusing on spending as little as possible on anything for the fortnight and see how I go.

My day

May 6th, 2008 at 11:37 pm

I have no work on today, yay! So I need to hav a rest, mite go out for lunch with my boyfriend, and have to go and pay some rent..

Otherwise I'll be home decluttering some paperwork, doing some knitting and having a rest.

What are you all up to today?


May 6th, 2008 at 11:29 pm

I got a $30 cheque from Emailcash a week or two ago which I haven't banked yet as I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.

I'll orobably just put it in savings. Boring I know, but good all the same as there's nothing I really need to buy other than another pair of navy tights for my DD for school.

tired and have a headache

May 6th, 2008 at 04:15 am

Didn't sleep very well at work last night, so really tired now and have a bad headache coming on. Hope its not the start of a bout of migraines..grr.

I mite go and have a rest and do some knitting.

more on groceries

May 5th, 2008 at 01:34 am

Just went and spent most of my May budget for groceries, but have enuff food in my house now to sink a battleship and shouldnt need to go near a supermarket now except to get some bread wen i run out.. and mite see if i can get my bf to bring some over one day wen he comes to visit later in the month.

so today spent $69 at Coles (got a few treats for the month including some mint choc chip ice cream, 2x 250g blocks of Belguin Chocolate for $4, some corn chips and nachos topping and cheese and sour cream for nachos for dinner one night)

the rest was some staples, pasta sauces and mixed veg, some tins of stuff for meals, vegemite

spent $30 at Aldi, got 2 milk powders, some sausages, potato chips, corn flakes, some little pies for a treat for my DD, some pasta, eggs

So today I spent $69 at Coles and $30 at Aldi, total $99.

$99 + $13 = 112

left for month $18

Mite start entering my menu plan on my blog.. though tonight I'll be having dinner at work, as I havent yet got enough food cooked to take with me.

Spent $13

May 4th, 2008 at 10:40 am

Spent $13 on groceries today. had leftover mince as meatballs tonight with some rice and frozen vegies.

I got some fruit, potatoes, soft drink and some cream.

monthly grocery allowance $130
spent $13

amount left $117

not feelin very well..

May 3rd, 2008 at 05:55 am

I have suddenly hit the wall today. I havent worked today, but I am really tired as I couldn't sleep very well..

I also have gotten my monthly visitor us girls get, which has given me back and tummy pain, so my stomach just feels a bit sick..

Shud really have a rest coz I have to work from 8 til 3pm tomorro and then Monday on a sleepover.

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