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wow what a year!

September 7th, 2009 at 04:10 am

hi guys. checking in again after a year's absense. And boy what a year it has been!

I bought a house, and have continued working in my very stressful job in disability, which has driven me into complete exhaustion and my health is now suffering.

I'm currently on sick leave without pay, and having to live on benefits. But have a job capacity assessment next week, so that will be interesting.

Atm my plans are to chat with my bosses to see if there are any alternative roles they can put me into, otherwise im looking at resigning and just doing this work casually and looking into aged care.

as for the house, im decluttering and planting some seeds in the hpe to have a vegie garden.

otherwise lots of rest
then trying to find some alternative work in aged care.


June 19th, 2008 at 05:45 am

had an eventful couple of days at work.. now i need a

On a brighter note, my headaches/migraines have settled down, thank goodness.

feelin really tired

June 15th, 2008 at 11:07 am

Just sleeping all the time the last couple of weeks, and always feeling tired, no matter how much sleep i get at night and whether i work or not. tho i must admit when i have sleepovers at work or 11 hour shifts I do end up much more tired than usual.

I have been suffering from headaches a lot lately and its been really hard to work, look after my DD 6 yr old and run a house.
so just gonna have to listen to my body for a while and rest more wen i need to.


June 8th, 2008 at 12:44 pm

just finished a 22 hour weekend at knackered. nite all.

superannuation choice argh!!

May 22nd, 2008 at 12:37 pm

I'm finding it hard to make a decision about which fund to go with now I'm working regularly and then I have to roll over some other funds into that fund of my choice. Think I've made a decision provided that they reinstate me with my old insurance cover which they say they will.. will find out i spose as I'm going to send the forms off tomorro. But will call them yet again and check everything again with them..

working most of the weekend..bugger

May 16th, 2008 at 04:15 am

working most of the weekend, this arvo thru to tomorro morning and then again tomorro arvo thru to Sunday morning.

Still feelin rather tired, tho I did have a bit of a rest this morning..after dropping off DD to school.

not long home from work

May 2nd, 2008 at 01:13 pm

Not long home from work and I'm really tired. Just had a bath and am going to go and watch some TV, do some knitting and have an ice cream.. nite all